
2019 Zhengyuan Powder Spring Fun Sports Games



In order to enrich the leisure life of employees, enhance the vitality of the company, promote the physical and mental health of employees, and create a harmonious, happy, and positive working environment, the 2019 Enterprise Fun Sports Meeting was held in front of the office building of Zhengyuan Powder Company on April 24, 2019.
This fun sports meet consists of six events: "Single person jump rope", "Collective jump long rope", "Two person three legged", "Harvest and race", "Bicycle slow riding", and "tug of war competition". There are individual competitions that reflect individual abilities, as well as team competitions that highlight unity and cooperation.
On the field, all participating team members worked together, chased after each other, and bravely competed for the first place. Outside the field, non participating employees voluntarily form a cheerleading team to cheer, cheer, and cheer for the team members on the field. The shouting and laughter echoed one after another, and all the participating team members and cheering staff were immersed in a strong atmosphere of joy, fully reflecting the humanistic spirit and corporate style of Zhengyuan Company, which is "healthy, optimistic, youthful, and upward".
By hosting this sports meeting, we fully demonstrated the corporate spirit of the employees of Zhengyuan to "work hard and achieve self realization", allowing everyone to relax both physically and mentally in their busy work, enhancing the cohesion of the company's team, and fully showcasing the charm of Zhengyuan's corporate culture.